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JavaScript / Default Client

The source code of the default client is located in ~/client dir.


  1. First, you need to load the JavaScript file inside the <body> tag of your HTML.
  • The source URL of the script could be [SERVER_URL]/script.js (the script will automatically build), you can also load it from other CDN providers.

  • For example, the URL will be:

# jsDelivr[SERVER_VERSION]/client-dist/script.js

# Unpkg[SERVER_VERSION]/client-dist/script.js
  • The value of data-site-id should be your site id (in uuid format), and the value of data-server-url is the server address with http or https (e.g.
  • If you want to collect speed metrics data, please set data-speed-insights to "true", if you want to collect visiting time, please set data-visiting-time to "true". And also, you will need to enable them in the dashboard, otherwise, the data will not be collected.
  1. Then, you can visit your site and the data should be showed in the dashboard.

What does the script do?

  • When the page loads, the script will automatically send a request to the server to collect language, url, hostname and other data.
  • If you enable speed insights, the script will also collect the performance data with web-vitals library. The data will automatically report to the server.
  • If you enable visiting time, the script will automatically ping the server every 20 seconds, when the user hides the page, the ping action will stop until the user is back.

Released under the MIT License.